Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean spending more money. In fact, if you look carefully enough, there are quite often some fantastic deals that are worth taking advantage of. One way that we love giving back to our seniors is by providing them with 10% off all purchases (excluding sale items).
What options have we got available for seniors?
Our clothing and footwear options for seniors is quite large. Depending on the capabilities and restrictions of the individual, we’re positive that we’ll find the product that suits best. For example, if you’re finding that you don’t have any troubles with getting dressed, however your balance is slightly off, we have the perfect pairs of non-slip socks. They provide a very stable base for your feet when walking across surfaces such as tiles, floorboards and carpets. Non-slip socks are also a great addition for those of you that like to participate in activities such as Pilates and Yoga. We also specialised circulation-boosting non-stick socks which are an excellent way to help facilitate blood circulation in the legs. You can see our sock’s range here
What about for the elderly that require assistance?
Depending on the type of assistance that is required will determine the type of clothing that we can provide for you. As many of us grow older, we can become more susceptible to developing issues when it comes to performing daily tasks. Such issues could be caused by arthritis, pain in the shoulders/hips or loss of flexibility/mobility. If you know someone like this, it’s simply a case of selecting a garment which they generally have issues with and seeing if there are any suitable alternatives. For example, with an individual having difficulties with buttons, we have easy-to-wear shirts that have fixed buttons. For those that have problems with putting their own tops on, we have clothing with an open back design. This allows for the carer to easily assist with the changing of clothes. We also have plenty of options available when it comes to incontinence issues.
Where do you get a Seniors Card from?
Depending on which state you live in, you may have to do a quick search to see where you can obtain your Seniors Card from. You’ll also need to make sure you meet all the eligibility requirements in order to apply for the card. To make this process easier for you, we’ve listed some sites below which will take you to the Seniors Card application page.
Victoria –
New South Wales –
Queensland –
Western Australia –
Northern Territory –
South Australia –
Tasmania –
How to purchase with a Seniors Card?
Provided you’re registered for a Seniors Card, applying the 10% discount to your shopping cart is simple. All you need to do is type SENIORS into the part which says, ‘Got a promo code?’. Your discount will then display automatically!
Where can I visit the senior clothing range?
Due to our clothing range being appropriate for anyone with a physical disability/hindrance, our entire range can be suited to the younger and the elderly. The best way to browse would be to visit and click on an option that best suits you!
If there’s something you can’t find, simply try typing it into the search bar which is located on the top right.
If you’re still having difficulties, then you may also try calling and speaking with one of our friendly staff members. You can either call us on 1300 365 504 or send us an email to