Clothing is one of the basic human needs. It keeps us warm, protected from the elements, and can be used to express our personal style. As we age, our bodies change and we may need to adjust the type of clothing we wear to accommodate these changes. Here are some signs that your parent may need adaptive clothing:
- They are constantly fidgeting with their clothing, trying to keep it in place or unfasten it,
- Their clothes seem to be too big or too small, either swallowing them up or happening upon them,
- They have difficulty putting on or taking off their clothes, particularly if they have arthritis or other mobility issues, or
- They complain of not being able to find clothes that fit properly or are comfortable to wear.
If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to look into adaptive clothing options for your parent. Caring Clothing specialise in providing stylish, comfortable, dignified and adaptable clothing for seniors and people with disabilities, so you’re sure to find something that will work for them.
Wearing The Same Clothes Every Day
Most people's fashion choices change on a fairly regular basis. Whether it's due to the seasons, the trends, or simply a desire for variety, most people don't wear the same thing every day. However, there are some exceptions. For some older adults, wearing the same outfit day after day is not a matter of choice but a necessity. If your parents are wearing the same clothes day after day, it may be a sign that they need adaptive clothing.
Adaptive clothing is designed to make dressing easier for those with physical limitations. The clothing may have Velcro closures instead of buttons or zippers, or it may be slip-on style instead of requiring putting arms through sleeves. Adaptive clothing can also be helpful for those with dementia or other cognitive impairments, as it can help to prevent them from becoming confused or agitated when trying to dress themselves. If you notice that your parents are having difficulty getting dressed, or if they are wearing the same thing every day, adaptive clothing may be a helpful solution.
Dressing Inappropriately For The Season
Some people with disabilities, dementia or other ailments can’t remember whether they are getting dressed or undressed, or even why they are getting dressed at all. In addition to forgetting to change clothes as mentioned above, sometimes the elderly with will put clothes on in the wrong order, or put on too many layers appropriate for the season.
Heatstroke, hypothermia, pneumonia, colds and influenza are just some of the common issues associated with improper protection from the environment, a risk more people suffering dementia or disability increase by dressing inappropriately.
Unfastened Clothing
One way to tell if your parent needs adaptive clothing is if they are constantly unfastening their clothing. Buttons, zippers, and other fasteners can be difficult for people with arthritis or other dexterity issues. If your parent is having trouble keeping their clothes on, adaptive clothing may be a good solution.
Another sign that your parent might need adaptive clothing is if they are spending more time at home. If they are no longer going out as much, it may be because their clothes are uncomfortable or hard to put on.
So Why Adaptive Clothing?
Adaptive clothing is designed to be easy to put on and take off, so it can help your parent feel more comfortable and confident when they leave the house. If you notice either of these signs, it’s a good idea to talk to your parent about adaptive clothing options.
We all want to enable our loved ones to feel supported and comfortable, and that they remain empowered to make decisions for themselves, and adaptive clothing is a great way to achieve this. It will help keep their sense of style and comfort as there are a huge range of sizes, colours and fabrics to suit. Adaptive clothing ensures your loved ones aren’t over-exerting or moving in a way that hurts them, making them feel confident and comfortable.
Visit the shop sections of our website to see our full range of Adaptive Clothing now.
Adaptive clothing range for women
Adaptive clothing range for men